Archive for the ‘Red27 Studios’ Category

There’s something “Awesome” on it’s way….

Sunday, May 30th, 2010

June 11th 2010.

Bigger.  Better.  Even more Awesome.

Awesome Soccer features in “24 Best Commercial Linux Games”

Sunday, April 18th, 2010

linux2Awesome Soccer has been listed on as one of the 24 best commercial Linux games currently available.  Check out the full article here.

Awesome Soccer v1.2 Released!

Sunday, April 4th, 2010

thumbnailA new version of Awesome Soccer is now available (version 1.2) which includes the following new features:

  • World 2010 tournament
  • Numerous Graphics Improvements
  • Windows Keyboard Issue Resolved
  • …and much, much more!

Download it NOW for Windows, Mac and Linux!

Awesome Soccer reviewed in FourFourTwo Magazine

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

Awesome Soccer has been reviewed within the March 2010 edition of the excellent FourFourTwo Magazine.

“Better than many Sensi clones”

“Cheap and Charming”

“Another Sensible option”

An Interview With Peter from Red27 Studios…

Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

Red27 Studios’ very own coding genius Peter (in his own words ;-)) was recently interviewed for Captain D’s PC Gaming Website.  A transcript of the interview can be read below, or you can check out the published interview here.

1/ How did Awesome Soccer come about?  Did you just wake up one day and think “I want to code an old-school footie game”, or was there more to it than that?
Well, it boils down to me having two passions in life – Football and Computers!  But ok, perhaps there’s a little more to it than that… :-)

Back in the 90′s I used to write games for the Amiga, (more…)

Awesome Soccer Review @ Harry Balls

Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

Awesome Soccer has been reviewed on the ever popular (and amusing named) “Harry Balls” website.

“Play is fast and easy. This is a fun game with some remarkable options for a game in its price range.”

You can read the full review here.

Awesome Soccer Review @ Gamers Daily News

Tuesday, February 9th, 2010

GDNAwesome Soccer has been favourably reviewed over at Gamers Daily News.

“Great, fun and satisfying. You’re in complete control and it will keep you entertained for hours”

A great fun game that reminds you of the classics and can be fitted in anytime.”

You can read the full review here.

Awesome Soccer – Linux Version Released!

Friday, January 22nd, 2010

linux2Awesome Soccer goes Penguin…

Grab your Linux Version right now – at the special offer price of just $9.95!

Awesome Soccer – Linux Version!

Saturday, January 2nd, 2010

linux2We’ve recently been working on producing a Linux Version of Awesome Soccer, and we’re pleased to say that it’s going well, and should be available really soon…

Pre-register your interest by emailing to get your hands on the demo first.

Awesome Soccer review @ Bytten

Monday, December 28th, 2009

Awesome Soccer has been reviewed on the excellent Bytten website.

Here are some of the review highlights:

“…a heavily action orientated soccer game where realism and details make way for high speed mayhem, outrageous shots and massive slide tackles.”

“…an exhaustive list of features and content make the game addictive and fun.”

“…if you’re a big fan of games like Sensible Soccer or Kick Off, then Awesome Soccer will endear itself to you immediately.”

You can read the full review here.