The FastSpring Difference? Oh yes!

One of the key decisions that any online company like Red27 Studios has to make is which e-commerce payment processor to go with.  The benefits of using a third party for such a complex area as online sales are obvious, with the trade off being the associated cost to your company per transaction (10% being the norm).

Setting up a new payment provider is also a royal pain in the rear.  Not only do you have to configure all the products you wish to sell, with prices/discounts/incentive schemes, you have to create your customised emails, generate your license keys, link back to your back end systems, create a sales page that has the look and feel of your own website etc etc – the list seems endless.  It’s not uncommon for companies to stay with a payment processor that they loathe, simply because of the dread of having to go through all the pain again with someone else!

Well, Red27 Studios decided to hunt down a new partner after hearing too many horror stories about our initial choice, Plimus.  Don’t get me wrong – they are a big, highly respected, professional outfit, but things had been going slightly askew for them in recent months, and we as a company didn’t want to alienate potential customers by having transactions that didn’t go through until Plimus had contacted them by telephone.  Yes, that’s correct, simple $20 – $30 transactions were held up – so no “immediate download” (this is at other companies I hasten to add, not Red27) – until they confirmed their purchase over the phone!   Now we are totally 100% committed to customer security, but we also understand how people expect that their genuine credit card purchases – especially for downloadable content – should go through instantly; we are busy people.

Our hunt came across a young & dynamic company by the name of

Now FastSpring are relatively new, but don’t let that put you off; the guys that formed the company are industry veterans coming from such giants as Google.

And it’s been a pleasure working with them so far.

Nothing is too much trouble; they have helped in absolutely every aspect of the integration, from designing payment pages, configuring license key generation, emails, notifications – everything!  All that, coupled with the kind of professionalism that every company should aspire to.

Shouts out must go to Ken White & Ryan Dewell, who have been absolutely fantastic; emails are answered within minutes, and they are both incredibly knowlegable about the whole spectrum of e-commerce and technology respectively.

Red27 Studios doffs it’s collective cap to them…

Check them out at

PS And they charge less than the industry standard, if that’s yet another incentive…

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